Q: What can I ask for in the Gacha Splash art?
A: For 3 star, your character can hold a weapon or be drawn with a small companion.

For 4 star, you can ask for simple effects, like clouds, lightning or fire to surround your character.

For 5 star, you can get more detailed effects, or parts of a scene, much like the example, but nothing super detailed, these types of backgrounds are not meant to be the focus.

For 6 star, you can get what a 5 star has, but much better. While the 5 star background only really sits behind the character, this one takes up the majority of the screen. These are what players would covet most in the game, so think big!


Q: Can I save a slot?
A: If you are in the Levaithan Subscribestar tier, you can save one commission slot per month! If you are not however, you cannot save a slot.

Q: I need this commission FAST! Can I be bumped to the top of the queue?
A: Yes! But there will be a flat rush charge of $30 to get to the front of the line. If you are a Patron (Hatchling tier and up) you will get an automatic bump to the top of the queue.

Q: What is a complex background?
A: Anything that is not a flat colored one (ie. a bed, forest or a starry sky)

Q: When do you open for commissions?
A: I usually open Saturdays at 1pm PST, and they are announced via a tweet. Commissions are claimed through a google form which will be linked in the tweet. Please check my twitter bio to know the exact date to look out for an opening, because this can change.

Q: Can I commission you to draw fanart?
A: Yes! Preferably non-humanoid characters.

Q: Can I commission you to draw your OCs?
A: Yes! Just keep it SFW please. NSFW allowed on occasion but please ask.

Q: What is your policy on joint commissions? (commissions with two people paying)
A: Perfectly fine! I would just like the other person to send their half to the person who contacted me, so I have one email to send the full invoice to.

Q: I want two types of commissions! Is this possible?
A: No, sorry only one type of commission per customer please. Unless there is one more slot remaining and nobody has claimed it for a while, then you can contact me and we can arrange another commission for you.

Q: Can I order more than one commission?
A: Sure! You can order a maximum of two commissions per opening, just send in another form after your initial idea.

Q: Do your OC’s have refs?
A: Yes! Here they are: https://toyhou.se/5ushiroll

Sushi and Kai are not related! They may look similar but are completely different characters